Daily Archives: mai 6, 2014

Frank Bramley (6 mai 1857 – 9 august 1915), pictor post-impresionist englez

Frank Bramley - For of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven

Frank Bramley – For of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven

Frank Bramley - The Grasmere Rushbearing

Frank Bramley – The Grasmere Rushbearing

Frank Bramley - Every One his own Tale 1885

Frank Bramley – Every One his own Tale 1885

Frank Bramley - Domino!

Frank Bramley – Domino!

Frank Bramley - A Hopeless Dawn

Frank Bramley – A Hopeless Dawn

Frank Bramley - Fireside Tales

Frank Bramley – Fireside Tales

Frank Bramley - Helen Chalmers And Her Mother

Frank Bramley – Helen Chalmers And Her Mother

Frank Bramley - Arranging Flowers

Frank Bramley – Arranging Flowers

Frank Bramley - Primrose Day

Frank Bramley – Primrose Day

Frank Bramley - Confidences

Frank Bramley – Confidences

Frank Bramley - Portrait of Ethel Grace Bolitho, nee Macleod

Frank Bramley – Portrait of Ethel Grace Bolitho, nee Macleod

Frank Bramley - The Pink Nightshirt

Frank Bramley – The Pink Nightshirt

Frank Bramley - Eyes And No Eyes

Frank Bramley – Eyes And No Eyes

Frank Bramley - Weaving Nets

Frank Bramley – Weaving Nets

Frank Bramley - Among the Roses

Frank Bramley – Among the Roses

Frank Bramley - Self-Portrait

Frank Bramley – Self-Portrait

Frank Bramley RA (6 mai 1857 – 9 august 1915) a fost un pictor post-impresionist englez de compozitie al scolii Newlyn School.
Bramley s-a nascut in Sibsey,  din Lincolnshire.

Intre 1873 si 1878 Bramley a studiat la Lincoln School of Art. Din 1879 pana in 1882 a studiat la Royal Academy of Fine Arts  unde l-a avut profesor pe Charles Verlat. A locuit in Venetia din 1882 pana in 1884 apoi s-a mutat la Newlyn, Cornwall.

 Intorcandu-se in Anglia din Venetia in sau dupa 1884, Bramley s-a stabilit in colonia de artisti Newlyn School de pe Rue des Beaux Arts din Newlyn.Alaturi de Walter Langley si Stanhope Forbes, a fost considerat a fi una dintre „figurile de frunte” de la Newlyn School.

Bramley s-a casatorit cu artista Katherine Graham, fiica lui John Graham din Huntingstile, Grasmere, Westmoreland, in 1891. Intre   1893 si 1897,  cei doi soti au locuit la Orchard Cottage, care in acea perioada se numea Belle Vue Cottage. In 1895 s-au mutat la Droitwich in West Midlands.Au locuit la Bellue Vue House in 1889, iar in 1900 s-au stabilit la Grasmere in Lake District.

Bramley a murit in Chalford Hill, Gloucestershire in august 1915.

Frank Bramley (6 mai 1857 – 9 august 1915), pictor post-impresionist englez