James Sant(1820–1916), pictor englez

James Sant - Artist`s Wife Elizabeth and Daughter

James Sant – Artist`s Wife Elizabeth and Daughter

James Sant - The Fairy Tale

James Sant – The Fairy Tale

James Sant - A Girl Reading

James Sant – A Girl Reading

James Sant - Innocence

James Sant – Innocence

James Sant - Wild Flowers

James Sant – Wild Flowers

James Sant - The Novice

James Sant – The Novice

James Sant - A Thorn Amidst the Roses

James Sant – A Thorn Amidst the Roses

James Sant - Feeding The Chicks

James Sant – Feeding The Chicks

James Sant - Portrait of Mrs Dixon of Rheda

James Sant – Portrait of Mrs Dixon of Rheda

James Sant - Adelina Patti.

James Sant – Adelina Patti.

James Sant - The Bride of Abydos

James Sant – The Bride of Abydos

James Sant - The moonlit beauty

James Sant – The moonlit beauty

James Sant - Thought Folded Over

James Sant – Thought Folded Over

James Sant - The Infant Timothy

James Sant – The Infant Timothy

James Sant - A Simple Prayer

James Sant – A Simple Prayer

James Sant - Rosalind

James Sant – Rosalind

James Sant - Little Red Riding Hood

James Sant – Little Red Riding Hood

James Sant - James Sant

James Sant – James Sant

James Sant - Queen Victoria (1819–1901)

James Sant – Queen Victoria (1819–1901)

James Sant - Sentiment

James Sant – Sentiment

James Sant - The Duet

James Sant – The Duet

James Sant - Ophelia

James Sant – Ophelia

James Sant - Astronomy

James Sant – Astronomy

James Sant - Self portrait

James Sant – Self portrait

James Sant - The First Sense of Sorrow

James Sant – The First Sense of Sorrow

James Sant - Courage, Anxiety and Despair. Watching the Battle

James Sant – Courage, Anxiety and Despair. Watching the Battle

James Sant - Miss Martineau's Garden

James Sant – Miss Martineau’s Garden

James Sant CVO, RA (1820–1916)a fost un pictor englez specializat in portrete, si membru al Royal Academy. Sant s-a nascut in Croydon si a studiat sub indrumarea lui John Varley si Augustus Wall Callcott. A trait pana la 96 de ani si a produs un numar impresionant de lucrari pentru expozitia de la Academy, in jur de 250 dintre ele, din 1840 pana in 1904. A fost ales membru al Royal Academy  in 1870, iar in 1872  a ffost numit Principal Painter in Ordinary (portretist oficial) al reginei Victoria si al familiei regale. Sant s-a retras din RA in 1914 pentru „a face loc tinerilor.” Opera lui se afla la Tate Gallery.

James Sant(1820–1916), pictor englez

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Mirela Pete.Turnul Alb (venețian) din Salonic

Ulise al II-lea cel Ocoş.Cainele are suflet?

Posted on septembrie 5, 2013, in arta, cultura, imagini and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Lasă un comentariu.

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